Camp NaNoWriMo Day Two

Greetings from Day 2 of Camp NaNoWriMo!  As some of you who are my friends on Facebook know, the counselors gave us some free time, so I'm spent it in the woods, sitting on a big flat rock near the stream with my lap top. (At least that's where I was in my head.) I was actually sitting at home in front of the computer, but I was enjoying the fantasy!

Got another chapter done today before my knight in shining armor came home and whisked me off to dinner and a movie.  What a guy!  My word count is up to 2822, which is just a little over 400 words short of my target for day two, so I might write more after my knight falls asleep on the couch in front of the TV.  It's a nightly (knightly) phenomenon. 

PS - Send more marshmallows & chocolate bars!

(Copyright © 2010, 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

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