A Great Start to a New Year

2013 is off to a great start!

So far, I've...
  • Taken off 5 pounds
  • Dropped my sugar levels by 50 points
  • Spent some wonderful mornings with God and my Jesus Calling devotional
  • Started a new blog
That last one, started a new blog - I needed another blog like I need a hole in the head, but that's what I love to do - create new blogs with new looks and fun new concepts. So when a friend asked if I knew of any free ebooks that she might like to read, I did a little research and was shocked to see how many Christian authors have books that are free in Kindle and/or Nook versions right now.

That got my blogging wheels turning. What if there was a blog that let everyone know about these incredible books, and My Fiction Fix was born.

If any of my author friends would like for me to feature your fiction book, just drop me a note. I'm open to guest blogs by you, the author and your book doesn't have to be free.

So, how's your New Year shaping up?

If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share it with your friends using the Facebook, Twitter and other share buttons below. Thanks! (Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)


  1. I am dragging my feet a little so far this year! But I love what you've accomplished.

  2. Thanks, Leola. Don't worry, you'll pick up speed. (or I'll get behind you and push!)

  3. So far for the New Year is taking off like a bottle rocket on the fourth of July.

    I decided to try a new writing strategy that is proving to be better than I expected. This last week I have written five blog posts and a chapter of an up coming small report. All in 45 minutes a day.

    I also got invited to guest blog once a month at the great commission Blog.
    2013 is looking up:)

  4. What a wonderful start to the new year! You'll have to share your new writing method. I'd love to be more productive in that area.

    Thanks for dropping by,
