Start your novel off with a BANG!

I read a great post on Seekerville yesterday by Mary Connealy about where to begin your novel.

Since I struggled so much with NaNoWriMo this year, I was about to give up on the idea of writing fiction, but this post made me want to try again.

Believe me, Mary Connealy  knows how to explot a book onto the page from the get-go. The first book I read by Mary was Petticoat Ranch, which opens with A man plunging over a creek bank riding his horse at full speed on a pitch black stormy night, with a woman and her three little girls trying to save him from the raging waters of a creek.

It was an Indiana Jones, edge-of-your-seat opening. Was I hooked? You bet I was!

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(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

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