Pros and Cons

Got an unexpected day off of work today, so I woke up debating the Pros and Cons of blogging from home vs. blogging at Crossroads.

  • Can blog in my pajamas
  • Can drink as much coffee as I want without feeling guilty about the price per cup
  • Can get a some housework done at the same time
  • Two sleeping dogs are not as much company as the friendly folks at Crossroads
  • The coffee's not as good
  • I keep getting distracted by all the housework I need to do
I chose to blog at home today, but only because I'm meeting my blogging buddies at Crossroads tomorrow morning for a Blog-In!

Where do you like to blog?


  1. How fun to meet up with blogging buddies for a Blog-in!! Sounds fantastic :)

  2. It's a blast, Lauren. If you live anywhere near the Phoenix area, we'd love to have you join us for our Blog-ins.


  3. Due to severe chemical sensitivities, I blog at home. Jan I'm so glad you visited my blog, and that I've found yours. I've only read how you started writing so far, and I'm already inspired for the week! Now I'm off to see how I can subscribe to your blog, and read some more before I have to get my nose back to the graphic's grindstone. Have some Monday deadlines and am only half-way finished with the work. Have a Blessed Day!!

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