And I'm feelin' good!

photo courtesy  alexbruda,
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

I just love that short span of time between Christmas and New Years Day. I use it to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly of the past year, to think about what I would like to do different and ponder the possibilities of the coming year. After a couple of days, I usually come away with a general theme for the coming year. This year it's...

2013 - The Year of Clarity

Oh, how I need clarity in so many areas and I'm excited about seeing things through the eyes of the see curcumstances as He sees them. To clearly see His path for me, to see and know Him...really know Him.

So as this new year starts, I'm excited, I feel a refreshing washing over me. I have renewed hope...

And I'm feeling good!

Do you have a word, a direction, a theme for the New Year?

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(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)


  1. The Year of Clarity; oh that's good. I just may adopt this for myself. Things have been happening so fast in my life lately, I simply haven't thought much about a theme for the New Year. Thank you so much for your visit to my blog and your wonderful comment.

  2. It's been a wonderful yer so far, Betty. One thing that God has been showing me is that this is a time to refocus on Him. I've been spending time in prayer, bible study and listening to some great preaching. I love what God is doing in my life and pray that he's doing the same for others.

