100 Word Faith Filled Fiction Challenge

Kelly Martin over at Faith Filled Fiction post a picture prompt ever Friday. I love these, because they stretch my imaginations. Here's the latest picture and the story I wrote.

photo courtesy Jennifer Ellison, freedigitalphotos.net

Lindsay pulled her X357 hover craft to a dead stop. Floating just a couple of feet above the water she could see Zylon off in the distance. Home. She swore she’d never return, yet here she was, just 30 seconds off-shore.

Trex was the only one who could have coaxed her home and he’d succeeded with his e-summons. “The revolution has begun!”

She fired up the craft, threw it into hyper-drive and sped toward her destiny. For Zylon, for Trex and for the baby they’d buried there. She would live or die in Zylon and she really didn’t care which.

(exactly 100 words!)

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(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)


  1. right up my alley with the Sci-Fi :) I love it! Oh, by the way, I just found your writing prompt site and I love it :) It's breaking through my writer's block! How did you ever come up with so many ideas?
    M.J. Wille, author

  2. Thanks, Megan! Sci-Fi is so out of my box, but it was fun to just let my mind go where it never has before.

    So glad you found the Wake Up Your Muse site. I wrote the book in 30 days (mostly at Border's) and had a blast imagining each prompt. The hard part was moving on to the next prompt without writing a story on each one.

    I'd like to send you a free autographed copy if you'd like one. Just send me a private email to jan(at)janiceeileen.com with your mailing address.

