The Parts You Skip

You know how when you're reading a book, you sometimes come to a section that is just useless information?  If you're like me, after the first couple of passages like that, you just start skipping over them to get on with the interesting parts.

I ran across a quote this morning...

"I leave out the parts that people skip."
– Elmore Leonard (b. 1925)

From now on, when I write and when I edit what I've written, I'll be asking myself - Is this a section I would skip over? 

Thank you, Elmore Leonard!

(Copyright © 2010, 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)


  1. Oh, I LOVE that - I do that all the time! That's a great editing tool for writers :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog this morning and commenting. There's usually not much "visiting" going on on Saturdays, so I'm thankful for each new comment.
    Be blessed and keep writing!

  2. Thanks, Debbie. I really enjoy your blog. Many of your posts give me pause for thought. Iron sharpens iron!
